{% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% block title %}Suborder Details{% endblock %} {% block body %} {% set subName = 'szczegóły'|upper %}
{% set name = 'podzlecenia'|upper %} {{ include('nav/top_menu/top_menu.html.twig') }}
{% if (suborder is not empty) %}
{{ status.name }}
Data wystawienia
{{ suborder.createdAt|date("Y-m-d") }}
{{ suborder.carrier.shortName }}
Osoba kontaktowa
{% if suborder.carrierContactPerson != '' %} {% set carrierContactPerson = suborder.carrierContactPerson.firstName ~ ' ' ~ suborder.carrierContactPerson.lastName %} {% if suborder.carrierContactPerson.firstName != '' and suborder.carrierContactPerson.lastName != '' and suborder.carrierContactPerson.email != '' and suborder.carrierContactPerson.phone != '' %} {{ carrierContactPerson }}, {{ suborder.carrierContactPerson.email }}, {{ suborder.carrierContactPerson.phone }} {% elseif suborder.carrierContactPerson.firstName != '' and suborder.carrierContactPerson.lastName != '' and suborder.carrierContactPerson.email != '' %} {{ carrierContactPerson }}, {{ suborder.carrierContactPerson.email }} {% elseif suborder.carrierContactPerson.firstName != '' and suborder.carrierContactPerson.lastName != '' and suborder.carrierContactPerson.phone != '' %} {{ carrierContactPerson }}, {{ suborder.carrierContactPerson.phone }} {% endif %} {% else %} {{ 'Brak informacji' }} {% endif %}
{% if (loading is not empty) %} {% for singleLoading in loading %} {% if (loop.last) %} {{ singleLoading.getComments }} {% if singleLoading.getComments != '' %} , {% endif %} {% if singleLoading.getBeforeTime == false %} {% if singleLoading.getTimeFrom != '' and singleLoading.getTimeTo != '' %} W dniu {{ singleLoading.getDate()|date('Y-m-d') }} / {{ singleLoading.getTimeFrom }} - {{ singleLoading.getTimeTo }}, {% else %} W dniu {{ singleLoading.getDate()|date('Y-m-d') }}, {% endif %} {% else %} {% if singleLoading.getTimeFrom != '' and singleLoading.getTimeTo != '' %} Do {{ singleLoading.getDate()|date('Y-m-d') }} / {{ singleLoading.getTimeFrom }} - {{ singleLoading.getTimeTo }}, {% else %} Do {{ singleLoading.getDate()|date('Y-m-d') }}, {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ singleLoading.description }} {{ singleLoading.street }} {{ singleLoading.buildNumber }}, {{ singleLoading.postalCode }} {{ singleLoading.city }} {{ singleLoading.country.name }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% if (unloading is not empty) %} {% for index, singleUnloading in unloading %} {% if (loop.last) %} {{ singleUnloading.getComments }} {% if singleUnloading.getComments != '' %} , {% endif %} {% if singleUnloading.getBeforeTime == false %} {% if singleUnloading.getTimeFrom != '' and singleUnloading.getTimeTo != '' %} W dniu {{ singleUnloading.getDate()|date('Y-m-d') }} / {{ singleUnloading.getTimeFrom }} - {{ singleUnloading.getTimeTo }}, {% else %} W dniu {{ singleUnloading.getDate()|date('Y-m-d') }}, {% endif %} {% else %} {% if singleUnloading.getTimeFrom != '' and singleUnloading.getTimeTo != '' %} Do {{ singleUnloading.getDate()|date('Y-m-d') }} / {{ singleUnloading.getTimeFrom }} - {{ singleUnloading.getTimeTo }}, {% else %} Do {{ singleUnloading.getDate()|date('Y-m-d') }}, {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ singleUnloading.description }} {{ singleUnloading.street }} {{ singleUnloading.buildNumber }}, {{ singleUnloading.postalCode }} {{ singleUnloading.city }} {{ singleUnloading.country.name }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
Wartość podzlecenia
{{ suborder.priceNet }} {{ suborder.currencyOrder.isoCode }}
{{ suborder.order.margin }} {{ suborder.order.currencyOrder.isoCode }}
{% for form in forms %} {% if loop.index == suborder.form %} {{ form }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Wartość podzleceń (wal. zl.)
{{ sumSuborders }} {{ suborder.order.currencyOrder.isoCode }}
Przyznajemy max pkt.
Brak informacji
Punkty za zlecenie
{% if suborder.order.benefits is not null %} {% if suborder.order.benefits.statusId == 2 %} {{ suborder.order.benefits.point }} {% else %} {{ 'Brak informacji' }} {% endif%} {% else %} {{ 'Brak informacji' }} {% endif %}
{% if suborder.classification == null %} {% set classification = 'Brak informacji' %} {% else %} {% set classification = suborder.classification %} {% endif %} {{ classification }}
Faktura VAT podwykonawcy
{% if suborder.isCreatedInvoice == null %} {% set isCreatedInvoice = 'Brak informacji' %} {% else %} {% set isCreatedInvoice = 'TAK' %} {% endif %} {{ isCreatedInvoice }}
Numer zlecenia Klienta
{% if suborder.clientIdNumber == null %} {% set clientIdNumber = 'Brak informacji' %} {% else %} {% set clientIdNumber = suborder.clientIdNumber %} {% endif %} {{ clientIdNumber }}
{{ suborder.comments }}
Opis towaru
{{ suborder.description }}
{{ suborder.weight }} KG
Dane kierowcy
{% if suborder.driverContact == null %} {% set driverContact = 'Brak informacji' %} {% else %} {% set driverContact = suborder.driverContact %} {% endif %} {{ driverContact }}
{{ suborder.order.user.firstName }} {{ suborder.order.user.lastName }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}